Thursday 14 September 2017

NZ Moari Language week.

This week was Maori Language week and in our class we were doing a Maori booklet and there were many activities in the booklet including wordsearches ,colouring and learning new words .
Sadly the Maori language is dying and people are expecting it will be extinct by 2030. NZ should be doing everything we can to keep it alive.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety And Depression is a big problem in New Zealand and all over the world,
and It is growing as well .It affects all ages and anyone can suffer from it.

A lot of people do not know what Anxiety And Depression are.  

Anxiety is when you get very nervous and this feeling can be in the way of either physical pain like pounding heart or stomach cramps, an effort to breathe or hot flushes making you feel sweaty..  Anxiety can also affect you mentally by negatively affecting your thoughts, behaviour and your health.

Depression is more than just having a bad day.  Depression can affect your thoughts and behaviour and can be as a result of many things.  Some suffer from depression as a result of a tragedy in their life (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).  Post-Natal Depression is also common with women who have had children.


The main symptom of Anxiety and Depression is people hurting themselves or others.  Anxiety can affect people where they are unable to do what they need to as their Anxiety prevents them from doing it.  Depression works in a similar way, but can have more of a serious effect when they are unable to deal with the depression.  Those suffering from depression can have low self-esteem, loneliness, self-harm and the danger of suicide.

How you can help Anxiety or Depression

The first person to help you should be your Doctor or a close family member.   Doctors can help identify any issues and refer you to further care.  This could be counselling or

It is important that if anyone shows any signs of Anxiety or Depression and need help, that you talk to them and make sure they get help.

There are also websites that have a lot of information and the common one in New Zealand is

Anxiety and Depression is well-advertised on the tv and media these days which is really important so that those who suffer from these are aware that it is okay to talk about how they feel.

Thursday 10 August 2017

My Speech

Being An Only Child .

If you have siblings do you ever wish you were an only child? And you only children, do you wish you had siblings?

This is my speech on being an only child and my point of view .       

There are good and bad things of being an only child and I like to save the best to last which means it’s time for  the bad .

Obviously you have no-one to play with which means you get bored, but you can easily help this by getting a friend over or going to a friends house  - another thing close to that is getting lonely.
With no-one to play or fight with you can  get lonely and bored .Apparently fighting with your siblings takes up time, makes time go faster and is entertainment.

Sadly as an only child everything gets blamed on you even if it isn't necessarily you,  as an example : my parents sometimes  do things without even knowing like when Mum has just done some cooking and leaves stuff on the bench, Or when Dad leaves dishes on the table it's always LIV !! DID YOU LEAVE THESE OUT !! COME PUT THEM AWAY . NOW!!!!!!!

You can also have pressure put on you for keeping the family name Because if you are like me, there is only one of you to keep the family name going. This may not bother you but it can seem like a big deal to your parents or grandparents .

So on to the good stuff.  One of my favourite things about being an only child is that you get more attention and more time with your parents.  I love time with my parents.  Another good thing that goes along the same lines as that is that there is nobody to bother you and nobody to annoy you, which, personally, I think is great.  
Apparently you also grow to be more independent because you are used to being on your own and doing things by yourself.   

 Okay, this one is good, but also bad.  You get all of the money spent on you, and only you.  It’s not shared out between all your siblings as well.  

The main stereotype of being an only child is that you get spoilt.  This isn’t always true.  I don’t think of myself as spoiled, but some can get quite spoilt.

In conclusion, if you are like me and are the only child and sometimes you feel that it is just not fair to have no siblings to be with - keep heart and listen to some of the reasons that we could be celebrating:
If you are an only child, feel honoured It means that your parents got it right the first time and stopped at you! Siblings day? Yet ANOTHER reason I love being an only child EVERY day is my day!

And here is a quote from me:  As an only child you get the best of both worlds.


Thursday 1 June 2017

Matilda Character Description
From the book Matilda By Roald Dahl

Image result for matilda

Matilda is kind and loving and everyone in her class loves her and wonders how she is so smart. She has an uncaring family that are so caught up in their own lives that they treat Matilda like a pest and as if she does not exist . She loves going to school with her best friend Lavender and loving, caring teacher Miss Honey . School is one of her favorite places because she can learn without getting told of for learning . Matilda absolutely hates Miss Trunchbull she is horrible , she locks people for up to a day in something called the chokee - A small pipe like thing with knives poking from the wall .Most of all though her favorite place is the local library ,since she was two years old she had been going to the library every day after everyone in the house had gone to either work or school . After about a month she had read every children's book in the library. Matilda has a dream to one day leave her two horrible parents and rude older brother to go live with Miss Honey.

By Liv

                                               First attempt of the digestive system
                                            Second attempt of the digestive system
                                             Last attempt of the digestive system

Tuesday 21 March 2017

200  Peachgrove Road
Southwell School
Room 19

22nd February 2017

Dear Mr Bill English

My name is Liv Davys and I would like to address to you the recent beaching of the whales at Farewell Spit .

I have seen lots of news footage of the strandings and it has made me really sad .The fact that many died was awful but I was very pleased that thanks to many people some of them managed to get out and into the sea .

My Mum and I looked into why the whales were doing this and there were some interesting points:
  • The Pod leader is sick or lost .
  • The Topography is not good for whale sonar
  • When one is stuck others come to help and get stuck themselves

The main reason seemed to be the shape of Farewell spit and how the shape of the spit did not allow the whales sonar to work properly.  Then of course once the leader of the pod headed into the spit the others would so follow.  Farewell Spit is a big hook shape and has very shallow parts of the beach.  The hook shape means it is hard for the whales to get out.  The shallow water makes it hard for the whales to detect anything with their sonar.

I know that the Department of Conservation do a lot to try to make sure that strandings like this do not happen and when they do, they have lots of people that can help them, but I have a suggestions that may help.

Might it help to have large concrete blocks under water from D’Urville Island around the outside of Farewell Spit?  These concrete blocks will allow for the whale sonar to bounce off so they will not head into the spit.  These will be placed so that boats will know that they are there.  These will also let other marine animals and creatures make the blocks their home.  I do not know the cost of these but perhaps you could get your conservation team to look into this as an option.

The cost of trying to rescue these whales, as well as the disposal of them must be huge.  With lots of people trying to refloat the whales there is also the time they take off work that adds to the cost.

Another reason could be that the whales are hungry due to the lack of food from commercial fisheries over-fishing.  This is a whole other issue and one that many New Zealanders see as a very important problem.  I enjoy fishing with my dad and he has said there are not the same amount of fish around as there used to be.  We have a caravan at the Coromandel and  it is well known that commercial fisheries come through and take all of the fish - they do not care about the size or the species.  This also needs to be looked at but even more so, if it might also have something to do with the strandings.

I hope you will look kindly on my suggestions as I do not want to see something like this happen again.

Yours sincerely

Liv Davys

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Hi my Name is Liv and I love animals when I was little I had two pet Guinea pigs . I love Hockey I have just recently started playing inline Hockey . I also like riding my bike, fishing with my Dad  and cooking with my Mum.